Does your book need just a touch of customization? Maybe a few images, a font swap, or margins tailored to a specific printing method? For modest additional fees, we can tailor an off-the-rack template to your unique book. You’ll still have full control over your own typesetting, but your template will be just a bit more robust.
We can create an object style for images that all share an aspect ratio and instructions on how to use that style for print and ebooks for $20 per image aspect ratio.
What does that mean? It means that if you have some images that are wide, 2:3 images and some that are tall, 2:3 images, you’ll need two object styles (one for wide images and one for tall).
If you want the customization but not the hassle of using them yourself, check out our hassle-free typesetting in addition to template customization.
Font Changes
We can swap the fonts in any template for other fonts with free ebook licensing for $30 per font change. Make sure to let us know what sort of font you need. Font Squirrel and Google Fonts are good places to look for ebook-friendly fonts, and we can let you know if there are any hiccups with the font licensing.
We can swap the fonts in any template for premium fonts for $30 + licensing fees. Licensing fees vary from font to font, as those prices are determined by the type designers. Premium fonts often have a wider range of character support, special swash characters that provide additional style and variability, and features tailored to luxe printing quality.
Margin & Trim Size Adjustments
Our templates’ margins are tailored to print-on-demand perfect bound paperbacks. If you’re using a printing or binding method that allows books to open more fully, you may want your template adjusted to get the best effect. If you want to use a different trim size than those in a kit (5.25″x8″, 5.5″x8.5″, and 6″x9″), we can make that adjustment too.
Margin adjustments are $30 per adjustment. Make sure you know have your printer’s specifications when you submit your request.
Trim size adjustments vary depending on the trim size you choose, but the adjustment fee minimum is $30.
Need something we haven’t listed? No worries. Let us know what you’re looking for. All adjustments start at $20. More complex adjustments may require a higher fee.